Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway

Guangzhou-Shenzhen RailwayGuangzhou-Shenzhen Railway
  1. Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway Company Freight Development to Expand the Study of Modern Logistics


  2. Intelligent Simulation System for Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway Operation


  3. Requirements for the Safety Protection System of Passenger Train Operation on Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway After Train Speed Increase


  4. Discussion on Problems of Wear of Messenger Wire by Suspension Pulley Applied in Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway


  5. By analysing the state transfer of Guangzhou-Shenzhen railway operation system and using expert system technology , a intelligent simulation model for this complicate hybrid system is presented .


  6. For the Guangzhou-Shenzhen railway has operated for many years , its network environment-has a certain degree of representativeness , so the experience of Guangzhou-Shenzhen railway network optimization has a certain significance to be promoted .


  7. Suggestions on some technical problems of the future high-speed railway catenary in China are put forward with the review of over-one-year operation of 250 km / h catenary on the Guangzhou-Shenzhen railway and in reference of the advanced technology of foreign high-speed railways .


  8. Taking Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway for instance , the paper introduces the methods for analyzing and resolving the problems existing in integrated circuit of 6502G electric interlocking and centralized traffic control , and sets forth the contradictions between centralized traffic control with three clauses of " Technical Specifications " in brief .


  9. New Technologies for the 200 km · h ~ ( - 1 ) Guangzhou-Shenzhen Electrified Railway


  10. A Proposal about the Track Maintenance of Guangzhou-shenzhen Quasi-High-Speed Railway


  11. Electrification technology for high-speed railway is one of the key technologies for scientific and technological progress of Chinese railways . The 200 km · h - 1 Guangzhou-Shenzhen electrified railway is the first high-speed railway designed , built and operated by Chinese .


  12. The total length of Guangzhou-Shenzhen Quasi High-speed Railway is 139 km .


  13. The Countermeasure on Soft Soil Roadbed Subsiding in Guangzhou-Shenzhen Paramilitary High-speed Railway


  14. The rail oblique cracks in Guangzhou-Shenzhen Quasi High-speed Railway are distributing and expand along with rail side and the angle is about 45 ° along the moving direction .


  15. Track Dynamic Analysis and Rail Pad Parameters for Guangzhou-Shenzhen Quasi High Speed Railway


  16. Shenzhen and Guangzhou are both in the first batch of pilot cities . In order to merge the network of Guangzhou and Shenzhen into a single entity , the China Mobile Communications Corporation has built TD high-speed private network around the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Highway and Guangzhou-Shenzhen railway .
